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A phone line for Voice Actors and their fans to be able to connect in tough times...
*update 1/14/2025
We Heard Your Feedback!
This is now an Inbound Phone Line
Call us: (310)307-0908
Call us between 2-5:30pm
A Hollywood Actor or Voice Over Artist working a 30 minute phone shift will answer the phone and have a quick chat! We want to check in on all of the brave survivors, heroes, and helpers of the #LAFires, so feel free to spread the word! #CharacterVOs4crisis
This phone line is open to anyone affected by this crisis equally, without regard to one's gender, age, race, color, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other expression of the gender spectrum), disability, or national origin. CharacterVOs4crisis, nor its founders, nor its affiliates, nor any artist, nor any volunteers, are expressly affiliated with any political party, agenda, or ideology in regards to this campaign to call survivors of this crisis. We are an American based organization and our intention is to help by spreading hope through Voice Acting and kindness. If you think you can help, please reach out!
**Must be 18 years or older to call. Have an adult or guardian over 18 years old call us!

To Volunteer, Help, Partner With Us, or Request Us at your Event please fill out the form below. We are committed to helping as long as there is need.
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